Sunday, January 22, 2012

Need help with a math problem........?

Are you smarter than a 5th grader--i'm not!!

Please help with this 5th grade math problem!

Five different varieties of flowers are growing in the garden: carnations, roses, mums, marigolds, and lilies. Peter and Juanita are responsible for picking flowers and arranging them in vases to sell. They use three different types of flowers in each vase. For example, one vase might contain roses, carnations, and lilies. Haow many different combinations can be made from the five varieties of flowers? We have answers this question twice--both wrong! HELP! Please help us with the answer, and how you got the answer! Thanks!

Need help with a math problem........?
there would be 60 possible combinations. We can use 5 varieties of flowers for position one then multiply it by 4 varieties left for position two and then multiply it by 3 varieties left for the last position.

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