Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Appropriate gift for conductor?

What is an appropriate gift for a conductor, a soloist (soprano) and the orchestra. I thought a donation to the travel fund and flowers for the soprano and conductor. Does that seem appropriate?

It's a high school performance and the premier of an original song. I feel like I should do something for the lady who arranged it, too...the least of which would be file the paperwork and pay the fee to have it copyrighted.

Appropriate gift for conductor?
What is your role here? Your suggestions sound like something that will be appreciated. One caveat--if the conductor (or anyone else) is a public school employee, the school system might have a gift policy. If so, keep it in mind, so you don't inadvertently put them in an awkward spot. One way to get around that might be to make the donation to the "band boosters" or whatever the orchestra parents' group is called, if there's not an officially-sanctioned travel fund.

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